How Nutrition and Sleep Impact Mood

Maybe you just need a healthy snack and a good night’s sleep! In this Meru Health Graduates webinar, together with Trish Jonker, LCPC, we review the connection…

Tools for Effective Communication

Utilizing interpersonal effectiveness skills informed by Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), we can prioritize our needs and the relationship, allowing us to handle difficult conversations…

Normalizing Mood Changes

Mood changes are a normal part of the human experience, and learning how to navigate them effectively is a key to a balanced life with an increased sense of agency…

Self Care is Not Selfish

In our April graduates webinar, we will discuss how self-care goes beyond the spa-like image of “treating yourself” and expands into small, actionable, and impactful ways to create harmony in all parts of our lives…

Creating Meaning and Connection in Relationships

Have you wondered what the key is to making your relationships richer and more meaningful? Have you experienced the effects of isolation in your own life and felt a desire to cultivate richer, more lasting connections?